Texas Home Educators 

Libraries and Museums

Many Texas libraries are online where you can do your book search, reserve your books, then just go to the library and pick them up.  Great for Moms with toddlers.


The Granddaddy of all libraries, the Library of Congress. Be sure toddlers are down for their naps before checking this one out. ~Jube

Links to all the libraries in Texas, including the universities AND Presidents Bush and Johnson's libraries. ~Jube

This is a major link to all sorts of libraries found by miss mouse.

This is not a library, but a bookstore from a homeschool family. ~Jube

A local library with an area for homeschoolers. ~Jube


The Biggest Museum in the States, the Smithsonian. ~Jube

the number of US museum websites may be greater than combined number of museum websites in the rest of the world! ~Jube

A listing of museums that are online. Massive. ~Jube

This is a great kids museum online for those rainy days.


The Library of Congress list of newspapers online. ~Jube

Just wanted to let you all know about this link. I think it is just great! It is a list of states and cities newspapers all over the US. I can go read my hometown newspaper now. I book marked it for homeschool resources. I might need it later for something. ~Mary